We provide a range of stimulating activities for our children to get involved in, as well as encourage free play. All activities have a purpose and are planned to help children develop towards the Early Learning Goals (as defined by the Early Years Foundation Stage framework).
A typical day
On Mondays we head out to explore the village. We call this Muddy Mondays!
9am - Greet children and self registration
9.15 - Free play
10am - Register , Wash hands and snacktime
10.30 - Free play inside and outside
12 - Home time for those who do just mornings
12.05 - Adult led activity
12.15 - Wash hands and lunchtime
1pm - Afternoon session begins
1.30 - Free play inside and outside
2.30 - Group time / story time
2.45 - Afternoon snacktime
3pm - Hometime
Every Friday morning we are joined by Nicki from wikids.