Preschool news

2023 We were excited to recieve delivery of the childrens new unifrom, they look so smart!

We currently have limited space available for 2-4 year olds, if you would like to visit the preschool or just have a chat with the manager phone Barbara on 07765040269

Every monday the children enjoy exploring the village whatever the weather!! Welly boots and sun hats at the ready!
Pre School Committee
ChairPerson - Charlotte Bullock
Treasurer - Sarah Lee
Secretary - Nikki Thompson-Giles
Amy Joyce
Charlotte Sturdivant
Rose Tett
Angela Hall
Lisa Bullock
Charlene Viscal
If you are interested in joining please speak to a member of staff or e-mail Lottie .
Kintbury Preschool
Helping your child develop to their full potential
Kintbury Preschool is in the heart of the village, a few minutes walk away from Kintbury St.Marys Primary School.